Alternative Hair Loss Treatments
Are you looking for a cure to baldness? Is your hair starting to recede? Do you hate being bald? A few years ago I would have answered yes to all of these three questions. I have however now learnt to accept that I have a bald patch and to actually like the fact. In this article I am going to write about the fact that I had a bald patch in the middle of my head from birth and how frustrating I found it. I also write about how I have now managed to change my attitude to baldness to embrace it rather than hate it. I hope you enjoy the read.
For whatever reason I have had a bald patch on my scalp ever since I was born. It is basically the size of a ten pence piece and is situated around the middle part of the top of my head. It was not something that really bothered me until I was around ten years of age. At this stage of my life other people started to notice my baldness and a few of them started to make some nasty comments as way of making fun of me. I had always been a rather quiet and sensitive boy and these comments certainly did hurt and make me increasingly paranoid.
I asked my parents why and how I had a bald patch and if there was any cure to baldness. They stated that this small patch without hair had been present since I was born but that I should not worry about it, that is easy for them to say. They continued that they did not believe that there were any hair loss treatments that could help me. There are many people in the world with far bigger problems than you, they commented. Thanks mum and dad!
A couple of years ago I decided to change my attitude, I was fed up of being so paranoid and went about a complete change of character. I have now become a far more confident person who basically does not care what other people think of him. Instead of attempting to hide the fact that I have a bald patch, I now show people as if I am proud of it.
The bald patch does not physically hurt me or stop me from doing anything in life that I want to do and therefore as my parents suggested all of those years ago, I need to relax a bit.
For whatever reason I have had a bald patch on my scalp ever since I was born. It is basically the size of a ten pence piece and is situated around the middle part of the top of my head. It was not something that really bothered me until I was around ten years of age. At this stage of my life other people started to notice my baldness and a few of them started to make some nasty comments as way of making fun of me. I had always been a rather quiet and sensitive boy and these comments certainly did hurt and make me increasingly paranoid.
I asked my parents why and how I had a bald patch and if there was any cure to baldness. They stated that this small patch without hair had been present since I was born but that I should not worry about it, that is easy for them to say. They continued that they did not believe that there were any hair loss treatments that could help me. There are many people in the world with far bigger problems than you, they commented. Thanks mum and dad!
A couple of years ago I decided to change my attitude, I was fed up of being so paranoid and went about a complete change of character. I have now become a far more confident person who basically does not care what other people think of him. Instead of attempting to hide the fact that I have a bald patch, I now show people as if I am proud of it.
The bald patch does not physically hurt me or stop me from doing anything in life that I want to do and therefore as my parents suggested all of those years ago, I need to relax a bit.